BRAIN BOOSTERSTrain your brain to remember more & learn faster

Logical Thinking

Critical Thinking

Taking that internship in a remote mountain lab might not have been the best idea. Pulling that lever with the skull symbol just to see what it did probably wasn’t so smart either. But now is not the time for regrets because you need to get away from these mutant zombies…fast. Can you use math to get you and your friends over the bridge before the zombies arrive? Alex Gendler shows how.


Lateral Thinking

Put a coin in a bottle and then stop the opening with a cork. How can you get the coin out of the bottle without pulling out the cork or breaking the bottle?
Push the cork into the bottle, and shake the coin out.
A girl who was just learning to drive went down a one-way street in the wrong direction, but didn't break the law. How come?
She was walking.
How can you throw a ball as hard as you can and have it come back to you, even if it doesn't hit anything, there is nothing attached to it, and no one else catches or throws it?
Throw the ball straight up in the air.
Two students are sitting on opposite sides of the same desk. There is nothing in between them but the desk. Why can't they see each other?
The two students have their backs to each other.
There are only two T's in Timothy Tuttle. True or false?
True. There are only two T’s (upper case). There are also three t’s (lower case).
Train A and train B are crossing the country, from coast to coast, over 3,000 km of rail road track. Train A is going from east to west at 80 km per hour, and Train B is going from west to east at 90 km per hour. Which train will be closer to the west coast when they meet? (Hint: You don't have to do any maths to get the answer. Just use your head!)
When the trains meet, they will be at exactly the same point. Therefore, they will each be the same distance from the west coast.
How much dirt is in a round hole that is 9 feet deep with a diameter of 3 feet? (Hint: You don?t have to do any math to get the answer. Just use your head!)
None. You make a hole by digging out the dirt, so the hole is empty.
In the year 1201, a woman was 35 years old. In the year 1206, the same woman was 30. How is this possible?
The dates are B.C. rather than A.D.
Once a dog named Nelly lived on a farm. There were three other dogs on the farm. Their names were Blackie, Whitey, and Brownie. What do you think the fourth dog's name was?
Nelly. (If there are only four dogs on the farm, the fourth one must be Nelly!)
The rope ladder of a boat hangs over the side of the boat and just reaches the water. Its rungs are 8 inches apart. How many rungs will be under the water when the tide rises 4 feet?
When the tide rises 4 feet, the boat and its ladder will also rise. So no rungs will be under the water.
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